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Learning from Leaders: Because Leaders are Learners

Dec 3, 2021

The level of isolation has been created because of Covid coupled with the idleness people experienced because of idleness limited our exposure to different people and views. There are behaviors that can reverse the curse of isolation.

Sep 1, 2021

How do you lead and inspire employees when working from home? Increase the quantity of face-to-face to help compensate for the lack of physical experience of working together. Patrick Veroneau's guest in this episode is Rich Salon, the Employee Relations Consultant at HR Sanity.


Rich talks with Patrick about how you...

Jul 20, 2021

The Stoics provide timeless perspectives and direction on how we can Rise Above Our Best. In this episode, we talk about Seneca and Epictetus and their perspectives on happiness and learning. Contact me at 207-650-4322.

Jul 2, 2021

The long-term impact of training could be improved if organizations do a better job of understanding the needs of those being trained, stick with the training over a long period of time, and abandon the strategy of providing one-off workshops. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Email

Jun 23, 2021

The SCARF Model identifies 5 domains that humans desire. When they are met, Employees are more engaged and when they are absent, employees will disengage or quit, This is the link to the research article that is referenced.