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Learning from Leaders: Because Leaders are Learners

Sep 27, 2018

My guest today is Pete Atherton, who is the owner of ActionsProve, which helps high achieving individuals win at work and life. He's also the author of the book, Reversing Burnout: How to Immediately Engage Top Talent and Grow. Pete had been a hard charging, successful engineer and partner of a hugely...

Sep 25, 2018

Often times the same behaviors that create dysfunction at work will create dysfunction at home or in any relationship. In this episode I discuss the 5 dysfunctions mentioned by Pat Lencioni and present a model called CABLES that prevents dysfunction and builds stronger relationships in any setting. This simple model has...

Sep 20, 2018

Dava Davin, is the owner of Portside Real Estate Group. She started out in pharmaceutical sales, as a representative working for companies such as Eli Lilly. She moved to Maine and realized that she wanted to make a professional change, and entered real estate where she successfully learned the business, started her...

Sep 18, 2018

Learn how 5 easy activities and less than one hour per day can raise your level of happiness and make you more effective at work or at home. This is modeled off of work completed by Harvard researches Shawn Achor and the 21 day happiness challenge.



Sep 6, 2018

Elizabeth Ross Holmstrom, founder of Break Together speaks to the power of mindfulness and her journey from managing a large corporate wellness program to going out on her own to fill a larger need.